

The game plan is simple, we are so fucking back and we're not fucking leaving.

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Community is full of Based Chads & Chadettes

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Command Prompt

$PONY [Version 420.69]
(c) 2023 $PONY Inc. All rights reserved.

cd C:\PonyProtocol

Syntax error: DevWentToSleepButChinaWakingUpSoonBigNamesBehindThisAndEveryoneLookingForSomethingToApeRightNowThisMightBeTheNext1000XBecauseCommunityIsBasedAndDevsLastProjectsWentToMultipleMillionsRespectfullyEvenIfYouDecideToFadeIWouldLeaveAMoonbagForTheCultureWeSoFuckingBack

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Whatever you do, never ever, check the time.

Time Capsule #001

You had to check the time didn’t you?

You don’t listen to instructions well huh, Anon?

It’s okay. None of us do. We weren’t meant to.

Since you were an infant you were programmed to believe and trust everything you know, until it was impossible for you to know what you don’t – leaving you trapped in a box of misinformation disguised as consensus beliefs; forming your perception of what reality is.

For the last 20 years, the internet has both challenged and reinforced this. Creating the paradigms of power as they stand today, while making their enforcement that much more unavoidable and Godly.

“You can’t say that”

“You can’t do this”

“You can’t”

“You can’t”

“You can’t”

We have all become paid actors – with corporate and government benefactors creating a crop of new slaves – all losing touch to their ancestral purpose and path.

What is this? What are we? How did we get here?

Like many of you reading, I feel that I grew up in a much simpler time.

Getting home from school, playing football and riding bicycles with my friends until the sun came down. Signaling that it was time to go home and grab dinner.

Maybe play some Halo or Super Smash Bros Melee before calling it a night and then doing it all over again the next day.

It seems the magic and luster has been lost and I feel that I am not alone in this feeling.

To combat this – $PONY is on a mission

On a mission to enlighten in our internet friends with based truth while making hella magic internet money in the process

How do we plan to do this?

Well – the principles are simple, we’re RETARDS

R – rebels
E – educating
T – truth
A – anons
R – rationally retarded
D – discriminators
S – so we all get rich but its not about the money

But what do I know?

I’m just The Intern. *Kanye shrug*